Music With Mrs. Tanenblatt

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

"Music Should Be Fun!'

Repeat after me... Music should be fun!

This weekend I attended a FANTASTIC workshop hosted by MUSIK (Maryland United Specialists in Kodály) at Loyola University. One of the clinicians made us all repeat that phrase a few times during his presentation, and it really set the tone for the entire day. Music should be fun!

I have no formal training in Kodály, however I myself am the product of a Kodály education, and as a result of being brought up learning music this way, I relate to it now as an educator. After this workshop, I feel inspired... I'm planning to pursue my Kodály levels as soon as possible.

Each of the clinicians presented a slew of excellent games and folksongs to foster a love of music for students of all ages. Some of the songs and games were old favorites but many were brand new to me and I can't wait to test them out in my classroom. I am still decompressing all of the information from Saturday, but I was able to try out a few of the ideas in my classroom this week. Here's one of my favorites so far:

Vocal Exploration
In a session on pre-literacy aged students, presenter Len Langrick demonstrated how he uses animations on PowerPoint to encourage young students to sing in their head voice. He showed us how easy it is to make animated paths go up and down, so I made my own version!  I used a theme of hot air balloons and gave each child a print-out of a hot air balloon to move high and low.

Click the image below for a free download of my animated PowerPoint.

(I do not claim ownership of any of the photos in this presentation.)

I can't wait to share more success stories as I try out more of the great activities I learned this weekend.

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